



当地时间5月13-15日举办的第十二届世恳会,由哥斯达黎加华侨华人华裔协会、哥斯达黎加中山同乡会、旅哥中山协会、旅哥中山联谊会共同筹备举办,并得到中哥工商联合总会、哥斯达黎加中国友好协会、旅哥斯达黎加中华总会等38个当地友好侨团支持,超过30个海外侨团组织代表将围绕大会主题“中山情 拉美缘 经贸桥 中国梦”开展恳亲联谊、经贸洽谈、营商推介、文化交流、青年合作等系列活动。



12th Worldwide Zhongshan

Association Convention Opens 

On May 13th, local time, San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica, welcomes guests from all walks of life attending the 12th Worldwide Zhongshan Association Convention. From 13th to 15th, more than 500 overseas Chinese whose hometown is Zhongshan, from nearly 20 countries and regions will gather together. Representatives from the CPPCC, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and Zhongshan Municipal Government will also attend the event to congratulate and witness this important moment, as it is the first time such a conference is held in Central and South America. Upon hearing the news, representatives of Zhongshan overseas Chinese from all over the world have sent their congratulations and best wishes for a successful convention.

Worldwide Zhongshan Association Convention was founded in 1996. It has developed into a large-scale international event that integrates "people-to-people diplomacy, economic and trade negotiations, academic seminars, cultural exchanges, family reunions, and seeking roots". It has gained strong influence and reputation. The convention is held every three years and has a liaison office in Zhongshan.

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